What is Share the Story?
Share the Story is our campaign to remove price barriers and open up access to REVEALED, and more live theatre in the future, that offers impact and inspiration to young people of diverse backgrounds.
Why Revealed?
REVEALED revolves around Luther, a 16 year old boy who is trying to make sense of the world and his place in it. His family’s dramatic and emotional story highlights issues of racism, homophobia, sexism, domestic violence, gang culture and mental illness.
Seeing these issues explored will be valuable for many different young people, as director Jay Zorenti-Nakhid explains:
‘It’s hard enough being a young person in the world today, let alone a young person of colour, a young person dealing with mental illness or domestic violence, or a young LGBTQ+ person. To watch this play, and to feel represented, seen and heard, has the potential to make a massive difference in someone’s life’.
REVEALED bravely confronts the big questions we face as a society, and it attempts to provide some answers too. As Jay describes, the play hugely affected him personally:
‘This play is a call to action. It inspires you to connect with the people you’ve struggled most to love. When I was growing up I didn’t know my father. In the search for alternative role models I went down some very destructive paths as a teenager. In 2018 when I started to work on this play, it changed my life. I now have a relationship with my dad because of this show. I can only imagine how things might have been different for me if I’d seen it when I was younger. That’s why I feel passionately about removing financial barriers for teenagers who wouldn’t normally be able to come.’

Why we need your help
At this time of financial uncertainty for people, we are keeping ticket prices as low as possible – with Pay What You Choose tickets on Mondays, and financial difficulty concessions for all who need them.
In addition, we are offering free tickets for any young people who couldn’t otherwise attend our productions. We are partnering with a range of schools and youth organisations, and inviting young people to contact us directly, to ensure the widest access to this scheme.
Every £12 donated will enable one young person to attend a show or subsequent workshop for free.
We want to raise £24,000. Achieving this will enable many unforgettable experiences, and ongoing creative learning opportunities, for young people of diverse backgrounds from across Bristol.
Would you like to Share the Story and help us get there?
Thank you for helping us to Share the Story.

Posted on 17 August 2022