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    Artist Masterclass: Annie Pui Ling Lok

    Artist Masterclass: Annie Pui Ling Lok

    • 27 Apr -
      27 Apr 2021
      27 Apr - 27 Apr 2021


    A masterclass with Annie Pui Ling Lok

    These sessions combine elements of Annie’s continuing work (see biography below) with improvisation, performance, choreography and biodynamic craniosacral therapy.

    In the context of increased disembodiment in the modern world how might we advocate for presence, live-ness, human relationship and physical contact?

    Expression of health through movement, physical presence and relationship to oneself and the space around will be explored through lots of chatting and moving via guided instruction and open scores. The group will do some proprioceptive tuning, observing their physical sensations and using anatomical explorations as a starting point to move and think.

    Participants should wear comfortable clothing and clear some space on the floor to lie down/roll around if possible and find empty bits of walls to lean on. Gym balls, yoga/pilates mats or blankets to lie on are also nice to have if you can.

    The sessions are suitable for anyone with a keen desire to move.

    Annie Pui Ling Lok has been working for over 20 years as a freelance dance artist and as a biodynamic craniosacral therapist (BCST) since 2014. She has directed more than thirty works with professional and non-professional performers ranging in age, training, social and cultural backgrounds in the UK and abroad.

    She works mainly with live performance in processes that are interdisciplinary, experimental and collaborative.  Marginal and in-between is where she and her work loiter, play and fester. As a British born, transnational female Chinese/Other her practice is (re)contextualised by a wide geographical and emotional scattering of cultural and artistic identities and a need to shape shift.

    In April 2021 Annie is taking over as co-artistic director of Siobhan Davies Studios, job-sharing and in collaboration with independent producer/curator Kat Bridge.


    Annie’s masterclass is part of an expanding programme at Tobacco Factory Theatres.

    Our theatre owes so much to freelance and independent artists, who have created almost everything we’ve presented over the last 20 years. These exceptionally talented and professional colleagues have been confronted with huge challenges through Covid-19, whilst on the whole receiving far less support than venues.

    Last year we partnered with The Cube Microplex to distribute hardship grants to local artists with acute financial difficulties, funded by The Gane Trust.

    This year, whilst we continue to work on our long-term survival, we aim to support local artists in new and varied ways.

    The first initiative is our Masterclasses Programme, designed for South West-based professional artists, and led by a range of inspiring practitioners.

    • RUNNING TIMEEach session 2 hours

    Tue 20 (passed) & Tue 27 April 2pm – 4pm.

    Happily, we’ve been able to open up Annie’s second masterclass session on Tue 27 April for new participants. The session will work equally well whether you attended the first one or if you’re coming to it afresh!

    Pay What You Choose – pay £3 / £5 / £12 / £20. Whatever you feel able to spend, session leaders will be fully paid for their work.

    Max 12 participants

    Masterclasses are designed for south-west based professional artists.

    Masterclasses are first available to book for our Artist Members, who received a priority booking period of 3 days from Wed 31 March.
    It is free to become an Artist Member, and you can do so by emailing an introduction of yourself, where you live and your practice to artists@tobaccofactorytheatres.com

    If you require captioning or BSL interpretation of the sessions, or have any other access needs, please let us know.

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