This year’s in-house production is the Brothers Grimm classic, Hansel & Gretel. Having delighted audiences with The Snow Queen (2022), Snow White (2019) and Beauty and The Beast (2017), Tobacco Factory Theatres are thrilled to partner once more with the award-winning New International Encounter to bring you this sweet and joyful festive experience.
Over in the Spielman Theatre, by day we have beautiful puppetry from the ever wonderful Little Angel Theatre with Me… for ages 2+ and their families, and by night we welcome staunch TFT favourites, Living Spit’s A Christmas Carol for ages 16+ – guaranteed to make you chuckle
And last but not least, we’re proud to present our annual heartwarmer, the Factory Singers Christmas Extravaganza!
Find the perfect way to get into the festive spirit at TFT!
We have a lot of opportunities for our community to come together and connect with something amazing. Give the gift of theatre!