Audience Feedback via Twitter
lot-tree @non_charlotte
The Light Princess at @tftheatres was AMAZING. Go and see it if you get any opportunity, loved every minute Kate
Morrison @katecmorrison
Saw #lightprincess @tftheatres last night: lovely,light-hearted as the princess, beautiful score by @verity_standen:
Fiasco Design @FiascoDesign
We had a hoot @tftheatres last night watching the #thelightprincess. Thanks @tftheatres for a brilliant #Xmas show
Nicky Coates @Nicky_Johns
Loved the #lightprincess, excellent set, cast, script and music. Went home and reread the story, @tftheatres did George McDonald proud.
Dr Miriam Ricci @RicciMiriam
If you haven’t seen the #LightPrincess yet then be quick and book your ticket! Amazing show @tftheatres
Geraldine Giddings @GeraldGiddings
If I was prime minister I would get everyone to go and see the wonderfully absurd #lightprincess at @tftheatres. We all need some lightness.
Cirque Bijou @cirquebijou
The light princess Tobacco Factory Theatres made me cry with laughter. Brilliant. Thank you
Sue Roberts @es_roberts
The Light Princess @tftheatres: what a joyous and delightful production! Give yourself a big Christmas treat and go and see it!
Mister Positive @andybcfc2013
@LStyleDistrict @tftheatres saw it tonight. Loved it. The cast really put their heart and soul into it! I’d recommend it to everybody.
Becky Goozee @goozleberry
Saw the fantastically brilliant #lightprincess @tftheatres last night! Loved it!! Set and cast were amazing!
John Middleton @johncmiddleton
#LightPrincess @tftheatres is ingeniously staged and has great music. Fab performances from all, esp. comedic force of nature @AmaliaVitale
Anna Farthing @FarthingHarvest
#thelightprincess is wonderful! Fantastically inventive and music is stunning. Thank you for the magic @peepolykus @tftheatres
Karin Smyth MP ?@karinsmyth
Thankyou cast & crew of The Light Princess @tftheatres great show, brilliant performance yesterday enjoyed by whole family from 10 – 80yrs
Visit Bristol @VisitBristol
This years festive show at @tftheatres “The Light Princess” is magical, charming and wonderful. On until 10 Jan.
Clifton Short Lets @CliftonShortLet
Looking for something different to do this festive season, head down to @tftheatres to see The Light Princess, everyone’s new favourite!
jhroutledge @jhroutledge
Loved @tftheatres #lightprincess tonight, so incentive and fun, shades of my fave @papercinema
Hazel Grian @LicoriceHazel
Thoroughly enjoyable show The Light Princess – really funny & some perfectly excellent comic performances.
Darren Clark @_darrenclark
@tftheatres abousulty blown away with #thelightprincess performance. The show was outstanding and the family laughed so much. #christmas
Alex @thorbster
@tftheatres The #LightPrincess was absolutely fantastic. The whole family loved it and we laughed A LOT. Clever staging and superb cast.
Tom Lunt @Tom_Lunt
The Light Princess @tftheatres is great fun:)
Rod Dennis @Rhodos
@tftheatres @suzanne_ahmet The Light Princess – funny, poignant and powerful all at the same time. We loved it, great work
Sarah Punshon @spunshon
Thoroughly enjoyed The Light Princess @tftheatres last night. Eat your heart out Tori Amos. Inventive, funny, moving, spectacular music.
Orla O’Loughlin @orlaoloughlin1
The Light Princess @tftheatres @peepolykus is a total delight! Playful, heartfelt, hilarious. #Gravity
Claire Warnes @claire_warnes
Splendid production & lots of laughs @tftheatres #thelightprincess today – nice to bump into @Russellboulter too
Russell Boulter @Russellboulter
@claire_warnes @tftheatres We loved it. Great show.
AManCalledMax @AManCalledMax
Had a great evening #TheLightPrincess @tftheatres @peepolykus funny and silly and smart, with brilliant music!
Shauni @Oh4amuseoffire
Its not easy to make something that both children & adults enjoy equally as much but #TheLightPrincess @tftheatres Pulls it off Brilliantly!
NIE Theatre @NIEtheatre
Great night out in Bristol @tftheatres for #lightprincess loads of splashy fun! AB
Riff Raff Choir @RiffRaffChoir
Loved The Light Princess at @tftheatres tonight 🙂 Favourite bit was the surprise water scene!
Jan Swann @tinderboxtales
@RiffRaffChoir @tftheatres ours too! Sublime!
Jan Swann @tinderboxtales
Absolutely joyous afternoon @tftheatres enjoying #TheLightPrincess. Standout performances, wonderful energy. #Minnies loved it. So did we!
David Kirkbride @d_kirkbride1
Fantastic day @BristolOldVic & @tftheatres Wonderful shows! Great casts & heartfelt wonderful stories #SleepingBeauty #TheLightPrincess
Tim Montague @tjmont
Laughter throughout #TheLightPrincess @tftheatres @peepolykus …terrifically silly and delectably musical; a delightful comedy indeed.
Lucy Dreznin @ldreznin
Congratulations to @nelcrouch @D_J_Ridley @cesmalls and all @tftheatres for charming #lightprincess – light-hearted fun for everyone!
Gwawr Loader @gwawrloader
#thelightprincess @tftheatres and #sleepingbeauty @BristolOldVic were both fantastic yesterday. Beautiful music, singing and acting! Cheers!
Andy Turner @Andy_Turner_
Superb physical comedy & great comic timing @AmaliaVitale. A highlight from @tftheatres #LightPrincess! @shmgmt
Samuel Waite @SomersetSam1987
Wow! #TheLightPrincess at @tftheatres was magical. Eccentricly wonderful and full of laughs. Proper job theatre!
Elizabeth Murphy @Stancomberules
The Light Princess today was very funny, performed with perfect comic timing and beautifully executed clowning. Superb team @tftheatres
Polly Worthington @pollyfw
@Allintheatreco @tftheatres @peepolykus @amaliavitale Thank you all – daughter came with Brownies and loved #thelightprincess 🙂
Rayyah @RayyahMcCaul
Was privileged to catch the superb #thelightprincess @tftheatres. Such a talented team. Refreshing and brilliant! Still giggling… 🙂
“This is a fab show”
“Saw this production on Thursday night with my husband. We thought it was amazing!! Well done to all involved and thank you. We always enjoy our Christmas date night!!”
“Fantastic performance of The Light Princess tonight. A fantastic story and the cast and crew were amazing. Witty, clever and beautiful music (the Court Conductor’s voice was STUNNING) great for both adults and children, definitely worth seeing!!”
“We saw this yesterday, an absolutely brilliant production! All the cast were amazing and my kids loved every minute (especially the water fight!)!”
“A beautiful production. Five of us aged between 10 and 77 were with you today. We all loved it. Thank you.”
Followed by…
“We’ve just seen it tonight and can thoroughly agree – excellent entertainment. Thank you.”

Posted on 09 December 2015