Get ready to witness the most divine comedy of all time.
Join us for a hilarious theatrical journey through the life and unfortunate death of the bearded, ethnically ambiguous offspring of God, Jesus H. Christ.
Featuring a smattering of JC’s greatest hits; water into wine! Loaves and fishes! Parables! Miracles! Animals! Vegetables! Minerals! And with a holy host of reimagined Easter hymns, this is a Sunday school lesson unlike any other…
With a dash of irreverent wit, a sprinkle of divine inspiration and a hearty helping of tasteless biblical buffoonery, The Passion of Living Spit promises to give a whole new meaning to the term ‘cross-dressing’.
They’re going to nail it!
Written by Stu Mcloughlin
Directed by Craig Edwards
Cast: Beverly Rudd, Peta Maurice, Stu McLoughlin
- RUNNING TIME2 hours (inc. interval)
- TICKETS£20 / £16
- VENUEFactory Theatre
Content warning: a very light-hearted take on a story that is of key significance in the Christian calendar. May be found irreverent. Also contains some rude language and terrible puns.
7:30pm & 2pm (Saturday matinees only)
Standard from £20 / Concession from £16 (Tickets and prices subject to availability)
Read about concession tickets
Members on sale 12:30pm on Tue 21 Nov
General on sale 12:30pm on Thu 23 Nov