The Fight Well Project

    The Fight Well Project


    August 8th 2021. Her 28th Birthday. Should have been the best night of her year. But it wasn’t. Ella Adebayo was under attack.

    Ella becomes caught between 2 worlds when she begins to play The Fight Well Project, a hyper-realistic video game with sky-high stakes. Part theatre show, part game and first developed through Camden People’s Theatre Seed Commission scheme, The Fight Well Project is a work in progress show which explores just what it will take for black women to be believed when it comes to our own bodies.

    Supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England.

    • RUNNING TIME75 minutes
    • TICKETS£12 Standard | £10 Concessions
    • VENUE

    TIME: 19.15

    CONTENT WARNINGS: Explores themes of racism and Personal experiences of health struggles, medical trials on black women. Features strong language.

    This production will be recorded.

    POST SHOW Q&A: There will be a post show discussion for 30 minutes with members of company.

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