This Easter, as part of our Children and Young People programme, we held Easter Sessions for 10-13 year olds and 14-19 year olds. Erica England took part in all three of the sessions for 14-19 year olds, and in her debut blog, she told us all about the experience.
“Three workshops, three days, three adventures.
My head is still processing the cyclone of information that was given to me by the creative geniuses who are the back-bone of the theatre; this experience is tattooed in my memory as one of the most eye-opening and innovative workshops in which I’ve ever partaken.
Day one, workshop one; the creative team gracefully handled the bundle of nervous teenage wrecks (myself included) with fun ice breakers and general nonsense – safe to say, a blast for all. We then divided into teams, each splitting to learn a different part of working in theatre. Group uno was put onto costume, bidding farewell to group dos who would learn about lighting. (We switched, don’t worry, all’s well that ends well).
The costume department took over my group; through some horrendous drawings and a cleverly assembled script we soon learnt that the glamour of costume has some seriously scientific precautions. Quick changes back stage either work or they don’t. However, there are in fact tricks to combat this- I mean, I would tell you, but then I’d have to kill you.
For a moment during my first day, I realised I was speaking a different language. DSMs (Deputy Stage Managers!) ASMs (Assistant Stage Managers) etc…they’d infected me with theatre knowledge…it was great!
The second day the good vibes were just as contagious. Theatre design is a bit like puppeteering; you pull the strings to get what you want. To be in a room with so many brilliant ideas was amazing- and Kieran, if you’re reading this, email me. Your ideas were awesome.
On day three, we were given a plethora of techniques to improve monologues we had each been working on. This not only made my confidence soar whilst performing, but encouraged me to take an active role in directing others.
These three days were amazing. I’m so thankful for the experience!”
Posted on 18 April 2016